Any memories or accounts of people working on the telescope at Jodrell Bank?

This is the Mark II radio telescope under construction by Head Wrightson in 1963.  When completed it was transported to its home at the Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire.  Jodrell Bank ( is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  In 2017 the Mark II was designated as a Grade I listed building, the highest grading awarded to buildings of “exceptional interest”.

The Mark II is part of the MERLIN array of radio telescopes.  (That’s Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network in case it comes up as a pub quiz question and you want to impress your team mates). The array consists of up to seven radio telescopes observing phenomena such as galaxies, quasars and interstellar gas clouds.  We knew Head Wrightson’s work went around the world, but we can see it also reached far out into the universe…

If you worked on the telescope or knew people who did please let us know!

1 thought on “Any memories or accounts of people working on the telescope at Jodrell Bank?

  1. I was a Graduate Apprentice at Head Wrightson and worked on site at Jodrell Bank constructing the Mark II radio telescope. Jodrell Bank have my comments/observations.


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