4 thoughts on “ICI in Billingham. c1940

  1. I was an apprentice at ICI also, and my training and education there stood me in good stead for the rest of my career. Does the name Mr. Downs ring a bell in connection with the products works drawing office? I believe there was such a drawing office close by the Machine Shops, Mr. Kirk being the manager in my day. Captain Downs, Army Cadet Corps, the group head in the satellite drawing office, was the Commanding Officer during the war years, and proved to be very effective in his oversight of training for things military. He had a son, Ian, who was, of course, my contemporary. My talents then were insufficient for me to be posted to the drawing office, a coveted positon for an apprentice fitter.


  2. Ged, I also worked in the Old Process Offices at the same time as yourself. Names that come to mind in the Drawing Office are Jim Franks and Stephen Sample. I was employed in the Works Office. Like you I have some very pleasing memories of working on the Billingham Site and it is very sad that ICI is no longer a major employer in the Teesside area. Do you remember in the 60″s we even had our own Company gym with a full time instructor ( Al Hart ) and it was mandatory for those employees up to the age of eighteen to attend for PE one hour per week. ICI was a leader in many areas even to keeping their young employees in good shape!!


  3. This photo brings back memories. The old Process Offices contained the Products Works Drawing Office where I worked before leaving England for abroad. I had my farewell presentation just before the Christmas holidays in 1965. I was presented with a pint tankard – my friends and colleagues knew me well. I still have the tankard though as far as I remember I have never used it preferring to drink my beer out of glass. Although I was quite excited at the thought of going abroad I was also sad at leaving behind such a great bunch of friends and colleagues. I did leave the door open to return to my job with ICI if my new assignment didn`t work out but things went well and I have never lived or worked in England since. How times have changed. In those days ICI was a giant in the world`s chemical industries. It is hard for me to imagine Billingham without the sprawling ICI site. I am pleased that I knew the place when I did and will always be grateful to ICI for pushing me to get the qualifications that were to provide me with a very good living for the rest of my life. I made many friends during my eleven years with the company and this site often provides topics that bring memories flooding back of my very enjoyable years at ICI.


  4. This is a view of the SH brigdge running East to West. The old Process offices are to the right with the Laundary slightly below. Oil Works is towards the upper left hand corner. I remember having an entrance exam and interview in the Process offices.


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