Prince Philip’s visit to Billingham

t13004I am in the photograph as a young child in my mam’s arms as people waited in Billingham Town Centre to see Prince Philip. I could not be exact about the dates… autumn 1962 to spring 1963?

Photograph and details courtesy of Carol Smith

12 thoughts on “Prince Philip’s visit to Billingham

  1. Does anyone remember Fynnlays? it was a record shop, tobacconist’s and there was a cafe at the back linking the two shops together, it was situated about where Greggs now is.


  2. Concerning HRH Prince Phillip in Billingham. He certainly did land and takeoff, either in the stadium or elsewhere. It was a memorable day and I was an umbrella carrier so I got pretty close to the action. Such excitement.


  3. I met Prince Philip at Holyrood House Palace in Edinburgh. He presented me with my Duke of Edinburghs Gold Award. We were told not to speak to him unless he spoke to us. He asked me where I was from and when I said Billingham he said he remembered flying into there by helicopter. I often wonder if he did remember, or that he flew into so many places that way it was just a stock reply.


    • Hi Ian

      Prince Philip visited Billingham by helicopter on the 14th of October 1963.

      There is a film of his visit to ICI and the helicopter taking off from the ICI sports stadium on the corner of Cowpen Lane and Central Avenue, it is on the BFI website, I know this is no good to you as it can’t be viewed outside of the UK.

      You will have been about the right age for your Gold Award around that time.



  4. I too remember the dolphin show at Billingham baths in the 1970’s. My whole family think I’ve imagined it but I know I was there. I can’t find much on the Internet at all.


    • Hi there Alison. I remember visiting billy baths to see the dolphins with my elder brothers and sisters. It would have been 1976 when I was just seven, but I got bored with it all very quickly and went off running around the changing rooms area.


  5. I’m trying to find evidence of a dolphin show at billingham baths around the 1970s my husband is convinced that he saw the show and is also conviced that there was monkeys and other animals in Billingham Towm Centre around the same time


    • Maekala, if you search the site you will find reference for both your husbands memories, try looking up Billingham town centre or Boyes store in Billingham which is where the monkeys were, and look up Billingham baths which is where the Dolphin show was held.


    • I can remember the Bright red Wessex helicopter of the royal flight landing on the Stephenson Hall sports field close to where the nursery is now.


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