Madge Loughran of Airton Street, Stockton

The first photograph is of my mother aged 6, she was one of three daughters who lived in Airton Street, Stockton. She was called Margaret (Madge) Loughran.

The second photograph was taken in 1929 and shows my mother on her Wedding Day stood in the doorway of St. Mary’s RC Church at ‘Tilery’. Margaret May Loughran became Margaret May Gilhooley.

Photographs and details courtesy of Paul Gilhooley.

12 thoughts on “Madge Loughran of Airton Street, Stockton

  1. My mam was born in Airton Street, Rose Ward. Her mam and dad were called Lilian and Peter. Has anyone any photos of the street please…


  2. Yes I was brought up in the 40’s in the Accrington area, you was safe to play out in the street then. But today its all changed to soft… I am just worried what will happen in the future for my gran kids and daughters. I thank you all for trying to help. I’ll just keep the penny until it can find its owner when I’m still here.


  3. I lived in Airton street from being brought home from the Robson maternity hospital. Wendy Joe Rayner is my uncle and he lived at No: 7. We lived in number 18 then 11A.
    There was a very old person lived in the at the top blanked end of the of our part of the street called Mr Tatlock. We left the street when it was been demolished and moved to Hardwick by the Sea!!!


    • Alfie Appelton lived next door to Joe Rayner. Joe was a blond thick set lad who was a keen footballer, he went to Mill Lane School then Grangefield Grammar School where he learned to play rugby, he knocked about with us as a lad then we lost touch when we moved, the next time I saw him was in Norton Cricket Club where he was playing for Stockton Rugby Club & I was playing football for Norton C.C.T.


  4. I’m new to this. I have found an old penny with the name W.E.STRIKE. number 29 Airton Street on it. It is worth noting. It might be to right family, it is history for them.


  5. We lived in Airton Street, I remember Joe Rayner lived opposite, my brother Robert Gunn, sister Carol and Barbara and baby Albert Mam and Dad and me all lived in number 8 I think, it’s that long ago.. Toilet outside in the yard, tin bath every Friday, I don’t remember the water getting changed! I remember “the Stick Man”, the story was he suffered from shell shock, also “Tarzan” a posh tramp! Always plenty of kids to play with in the street or sometimes we’d go to Ropner Park, once a year to Seaton Carew on the train for the day. Everyone was poor in those days, no abroad holidays, no smart phones but I think we had the happiest and safest childhood.


  6. I was born in 8 Airton Street. Mrs Loughran lived in number 9 and the Raynor family lived in number 7. I was bridesmaid for Rene Raynor when I was about 5 or 6 years old.


  7. Lovely photographs
    I guess where she lived is now the road leading to Bishopton lane from Norton road,
    So many people lived near the town where did they all go ?


  8. A great street Airton St, I lived in 16 then 11 Airton St. My grand parents lived in number 7 Airton St – Joe and Irine Rayner.
    I have fond memories of that time of my life.


    • Yes old community s were very good all helped each other all that has gone now. Most People are all for them selves now a days. I just wondered who was W E Strike stamped on a old penny
      Who lived at 29. He could have lived in the first or second war times.


      • It could have been the pastor of Strikes Mission that used to be near Tilery bridge now at Trent street Norton his name was William Edward Strike the Strikes are a large well known religious family I am married to Wendy Strike I know a few of them lived on the old Gasworks estate


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