62 thoughts on “Streets of Stockton

  1. Can anyone help with locations associated with a couple of my ancestors. My great grandfather, Joseph Wilson, was born to Irish Immigrants, according to his birth certificate, in Pidgeon/Pigeon (1875)., South Stockton before moving to New St in the Mandale triangle by 1881. I found this address in one census on the same set of pages as Trafalgar St., but it had ‘disappeared’ by the next census. I could not find this street on any of the maps I looked at at Stockton library either. I suspect that the street name was changed (possibly to Carr St??). Can anyone shed any light on this? Are there any maps with this street on?

    Another great grandfather, Albert Arthur Blackburn, after marrying in Thornaby Parish Church in 1891 was living in 1901 at Vale Farm Cottage, Thornaby. There appeared to be a number of these, the preceding addresses being Thornaby Vale Farm, Thornaby Hospital, and Thornaby Hall, and following addresses, Thorntree Farm and Thornaby Green. This gives me a big clue as to the locality, but again, no maps that I can find.
    Any help appreciated, Regards, Bob Easby


    • Hi Bob, regarding Pigeon St., there don’t seem to have been many residential areas that were east of Trafalgar St., and those that were seem to have been concentrated at the southern end. Using old maps you can account for most of the street names shown in the image you posted elsewhere, so could it be that Pigeon St. was consumed by the ever expanding engineering works along Trafalgar St. (Carr St. was on the west side of Trafalgar St.)
      I have noticed a row of houses that were north of Montague/Hanover St. and west of Long Row, that was swallowed up by the works. Unfortunately it’s not named, but it is in the right area and does disappear from later maps.
      See marker on this map:
      Sorry, its still not conclusive, but may be worth considering as a possible location.


  2. Does anyone have any information on the three Malcolm brothers who all lost their lives in the Great War (Battle of Jutland)? I have a picture postcard which was addressed to Charles on the HMS Queen Mary. It was given to my ancestors (Doyleson). I am sure the photograph is of the Malcolm brothers and my great Uncle. Are they commemorated anywhere or is my Great Uncle, Henry Doyleson (died 1915 Battle of Loos) commemorated anywhere. He was from Stockton area.
    Tentatively hoping for a response. Kate


    • Hello Kate, I too am related to the Malcolm brothers whom died in the battle of Jutland aboard HMS Queen Mary 31sy May 1916 Joseph, John Robert and Charles they were my great grandma Katie Barr Malcolm’s 1st cousins making them my 1st cousins 3x removed. Katie’s father was Robert Malcolm 1846 was the older brother of George Malcolm 1864 the father of Joseph, John Robert and Charles Malcolm. At the time of their deaths Their parents George and Mary (née Stowman) lived at 14 union st Stockton…No bodies were recovered for burial all are Remembered on Chatham Naval Memorial Panel 19 also Remembered at Stockton War memorial… I have just been to pay my respects to them at Chatham Naval memorial as I now live fairly close by, It was a very emotional humbling experience knowing the circumstances in which they died, It breaks my heart to think of what their beloved parents and family went through after hearing the devastating news of their sons deaths… It would be nice to see the photo you have of them if at all possible… I am researching my family tree so if I come across any information I will gladly pass it on to you.

      Kind Regards Cindy Davies
      (née Cynthia Huitson) Great grand daughter of Marmaduke William Huitson and Katie Barr Malcolm.


    • Hi, the Malcolm brothers were my Nans uncles, still a few Malcolm’s up there, my mums cousins, my nan and grandad moved to Yorkshire in the thirties for work. I’ve just been reading about HMS Queen Mary, I also have a picture of the three of them.


  3. Trafalgar Street lay north of Thornaby railway station. It was the north-south spine of the industrial part of old Thornaby which has all been swept away – buildings, street-plan, everything – and replaced by new development, reached by two new bridges.


  4. Sorry to ask a stupid question but I can’t find a straight forward answer, but is Trafalgar Street now demolished? What is stood right now where it used to stand? I ask this question because one of my neighbours has the original Trafalgar Street post sign on his garden shed and I can’t find reference to a place in Thornaby anywhere.21/03/2012 09:44:21


  5. Christine Carter. Are you the daughter of a Fred Carter? He lived in a house that overlooks the roundabout in Oxbridge Avenue. His father had a building business in Oxbridge. If so, he was a joiner at Head Wrightsons at the same time as me.


  6. Florence and William Ballagh were born in Kansas where their father married having left Ireland. On returning to England they moved in with the Taggarts in Trafalgar Street. Check out genes united for Florence Ballagh to find out more. Florence”s son Len my father is 95 and still going strong.


  7. My grandfather was George Malcolm the footballer who married Florence Ballagh from Trafalgar street. They then lived in Tarring street. My father Len is 94 and still going strong. He remembers visiting Trafalgar street.


    • Hi Lesley

      My nanna Irene is Lens sister….I met Ken many times as a child and played cards with him and Florence many a New Years Eve….Newmarket was the game


  8. My great grandfather John McNamara was a ship riveter in Stockton in 1909. He married Isabella Parnell (born 1888 in Stockton). I would love to know if they ever lived in Trafalgar Street. In 1909 they lived in Howard Street.


    • Hi Andrew, my GG grandfather was Cornoy(?) McNamara and his daughter Mary, married my great grandfather Joseph Lumley. I know they lived in Trafalgar Street, number 36 I believe. Would be interested to hear if you have heard of those names. Best wished, Peter


  9. My gran and granddad the Addisons used to live in the ajoining street ,Brittania street. I remember the huge bonfires on Guy Fawkes night that they burned on the waste ground at the end of the street next to Heads boundry wall.


  10. My nanna and grandad used to live in Trafalgar Street (can”t remember the no), their names were Charlie and Violet Grounds, they had seven children. Does anyone recognise the names. My grandad worked at Head Wrightson all his working life and I can remember he used to work in the Apprentice School in the latter years of his working career.


      • Charlie Grounds worked in the Maintenance Dept. for many years and the building eventually became the Apprentice School, he was one of the older gentlemen that worked in that dept. along with Frank Wiseman a former Mayor of Stockton and Charlie Marchant.


      • My dad lived in Trafalgar Street Frank Lodge he grew up there but sadly died in 1989. He had a sister Lizzie who was never out of Thornaby bingo


  11. I am an Ellar, but i have no idea if its the same family you are referring to because im only 18, but my father was Robert Edward Ellar, and his father is Cecil, but everyone calls him Jack I dont know past that as i dont have much contact with them since my father died.


  12. Would this be the street where the Talbot inn would have been in 1881? I have found an Edward Watkins whom I think may have married Elizabeth Cann in the 1881 census as being the publicans there. Canns are the relatives/ancesters I am researching. They moved to the Stockton areas from Norfolk. I keep finding more information all the time ,so hopefully I will have my answers to who they all were and where they all lived soon. This site is proving to be a great help to me ,even if I have had no contact from anyone with a definite connection yet,I am still very hopeful.


  13. Bob Irwin many thanks for your message I only found it today.I will check with my Mother about this and get back to you. many thanks, Baz


  14. To Tracey-Leigh Ellar, Hello Tracey, I have your father Stephen Ellar in my family tree. I believe your ggg grandfather was Thomas Ellar 1844-1922 who married Mary Beeby 1846-1905, you descend as follows:- Bertram Ellar 1882-1914, Joseph Ellar 1912-1987, William Parkinson Ellar 1933, Stephen Ellar 1956. My gg grandmother was Hannah Ellar 1848-1914, she was brother to Thomas Ellar 1844, i think that would make me 4th cousins with your father. If you are a member of Genesreunited you could contact me that way. Best wishes, Craig.


  15. I noticed there was some mention of the Ellar. family, my dad is stephen ellar and my grandad william (Billy) parkinson ellar. My grandads fathers name was Joseph Ellar and his mother was Winifred Ellar. They lived in norton and then Hardwick. Bertrum Ellar was my great grandads brother. If any one else would like any more information feel free to contact me.


  16. When I worked at HW. between 1953 -1962 there was a husband and wife working there. Nellie Gascoyne was in charge of the Cleaners and her husband worked for the Erectors. He wore a patch over his eye through an injury. They lived nearto the works I believe in the street running parallel to Trafalgar Street. Will they be relations?


  17. Hi I am looking for anyone who lived in Wrekenton Close or nearby. i was born at no 7 My Mam was Maureen Humble, sister of Thelmam Ann and Christine. I would love to hear from any of you who knew or know of the above. Cheers Baz Gascoyne


  18. I am researching the DEGNAN family history. John and Sarah Degnan were my great grandparents. They lived in Trafalgar Street Nos. 25/26? and 36 around 1901 to 1933. Before that they lived in Back of Nile Street and Carpenters Square which I think is in the same area. John Degnan is listed as Iron Work Labourer and Metal Caster at Iron Chair Foundry. Sarah Degnan is supposed to have run a small shop from Trafalgar Street. Does anyone know of this family and the shop? Also does anyone have information on the Iron Chair Foundry? John came from Ireland and I am trying to trace him back to there but with no luck at the moment. Any information might give me some clues on where to look next. Best wishes Tracey


    • Hi Tracey, I have just been looking into my grandmothers background and she was a Mary Anne Degnan and I know she had a sister Liz ( and others) and I think they lived in Trafalgar street. I don’t know her parents names but wondered if they are the John and Sarah you mention. I seem to remember Liz having a small shop in Trafalgar street.


  19. Hello Mandy, I have been in touch with another Ella(r) descendant who has done alot of research into our Ella(r) family. She descends from Ruth Ella (1832) daughter of William Prince Ella and Sarah Abbey. Are you a member of genesreunited as you could look at my tree. Best wishes, Craig.


  20. Mandy, I am looking for anything about my grandmother Sarah Malcolm (nee Lloyd) who lived in Whalley Street, then King Street, Thornaby. She married Daniel Barr Malcolm 1910 and had 5 children, one was my father Joseph born 1916. She left the family home around 1929/30 and was not heard from again, I would love to find out what became of her and perhaps any other children she may have had. THANK YOU.


  21. Sorry about the mistake yes Craig I do remember you did you manage to get anymore information about the Ellars. I am still looking for a couple of deaths but as yet cannot find them. Marion what type of information are you looking for with your Malcolm family maybe I can help.


  22. hi marion ,have l spoke to you on genes reunited,my dad is wilfred malcolm age 93 and still plodding on,his dad was robert malcolm think they came from the thornaby area,robert malcolm (my grandad was cousins with george malcolm the footballer,any relation


  23. To Mandy re the Ellars. I do have you in my tree, we have had contact re the Ellar family before, you sent me all the info on the Ellar and Ella families. You should remember as we are 3rd cousins! My gg grandmother Hannah Ellar b1848 was sister to your gg grandfather Thomas Ellar b1844. Best wishes, Craig.


  24. Hi Mandy, I think it is actually Craig Taggart that you should get in touch with, although I am related to him through the Malcolm family of Thornaby, our families all lived in Trafalgar Street. Your Ellar family in 1881 was Thomas and Mary with their children -Richard,Thomas,Albert,Arthur,Mary and Robert at 5, Union Square, Stockton. Thomas was a drayman. Any help with the Malcolm”s apart from the census I would be very grateful


    • Hi Marion
      I am related to the Malcolms… George and Florence Malcolm were my great grandparents… My father is the son of Irene (who was their daughter). Just starting to look into this further.


  25. To Marion regarding the Ellar family i have just read your message on this page and i am related to the Ellar family you mentioned. My grandmother was called Eleanor Maud Ellar and came from Stockton. Hope you get this message. Best wishes Mandy


  26. To Marion and Elaine, I have found the death of Florence Ballagh. Florence Ballagh was born 17 Jan 1890 in Kansas City, USA and died Dec qtr 1981 in Middlesbrough or Central Cleveland district. Best wishes, Craig.


  27. Hi I”m also related to Florence Ballagh her brother William was my great grandfather do any of you have any more information about them?? I have come to a complete standstill in my research and would really like to know what their mothers name was? I cant seem to find any information about this at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Elaine


    • Hi
      I am Florence and Georges great granddaughter and I am trying to find out where in Ireland They were. I think the name might be Free lauder?


  28. Hi Craig, sorry I do not know the death of Florence Ballagh, I may have got her birth date wrong, will check again! I do have a photocopy of George Malcolm”s birth if any use. They may have re-named the houses in Trafalgar Street as my Annie Adams/Broderick family is now at 110 and 112 the “Chilterns” also relatives. They are the same distance to the Ship Inn as they were so the numbers are different. My other family of William Malcolm is now number 1, “off” Trafalgar Street, perhaps anyone can tell us when any new houses were built and the road re-numbered.


  29. I know this message has nothing to do with the photo but i am looking for relatives and descendants of the ELLAR family. Originally they came from Stainton, but most ended up in Stockton and Middlesbrough areas. If anyone out there is connected to the ELLAR family or knows anyone connected to them please reply to this message. Thank you.


  30. Hello Marion, Florence Ballaghs father William Ballagh (a widower) was 2nd husband to my great great grandmother Mary Taggart (nee Taggart). In the 1901 census William and Mary, Florence and William Ballagh jnr were living at 86 Trafalgar Street. I am sure Mary would have known the Malcolm family. Do you have any idea when Florence died? Many thanks. Craig.


  31. I am related to George Malcolm the footballer, his father William was born in Leith,Scotland in 1855. My family line comes from William”s brother Robert Malcolm, 44, Trafalgar Street through his son Daniel Barr Malcolm, so my grandfather was a 1st cousin to George Malcolm and lived in Prospect Place and King Street.Florence Ballagh was born in Kansas City, America 1st March 1895. I also am related to the Adams family Trafalgar Street near the Ship Inn and the Lloyds of Whalley Street Thornaby all in the shipyards.


  32. My Great-grandfather, Henry Crosby Simpson, was a police man in Thornaby and, according to the 1881 census,lived in Trafalgar Street Shipyard Cottages with his wife and family. Any information about him or the place where he lived would be most welcome.


  33. Hello Marion, David and Martha Taggart are my ggg grandparents. In the 1906 and 1909 Wards Directory another relation of mine Joseph Taggart was living in 44 Trafalgar Street as a riveter. Most of my Taggart side work in the shipyards as riveters and boilermakers. But what shipyard i dont know. Are you by any chance related to George Malcolm 1890-1964 (the footballer) who married Florence Ballagh?


  34. In the 1881 census, there was David Taggart aged 57 , wife Martha 59, sons David 25 and Thomas 21 who was a boilermaker, all living at 30, Trafalgar Street. My own family were at number 44 -Robert and wife Janet Malcolm, with his brothers and sister, plus his own children, making a total of 10 people in one house. Robert”s other brother with wife and child lived at 48a. All the men and boys worked in the shipyard but can anyone tell me which one it would have been at that date, many thanks.


  35. My family too lived in Trafalgar Street, various members of my Taggart side lived and died at numbers 8, 30, 44, 64, 66, 76, 86, 88, 108, 122, at various times from the 1880s to the 1920s. I expect my ancestors knew your ancestors Christine. Does anyone have any old pics of Trafalgar Street?


  36. The area in front of the old Head Wrightson”s office block where the two warning signs are was once the site of The Burton Arms public house. It was demolished and replaced by a weighbridge for Head Wrightson”s. Across the road was the Collingwood public house and Head Wrightson”s canteen. Dances were held in the main hall of the canteen. Happy memories.


  37. Most of my relatives moved from Dudley in 1881 and they all lived in Trafalgar street wich was all houses then. My grandfather got maried from 4 Trafalgar Street in 1909.


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