16 thoughts on “Unknown School?

  1. Geez, this has took me since the 6th April to suss this one out. The school is the old Bowsfield Lane School situated on Bowsfield Lane. In the school’s place are now bungalows. The Three storey building is still there, it is according to Google earth a takeaway shop.


  2. Looks like the Old Robert Atkinson (became a part of the Dene) in Thornaby. Went there in the 60/70’s and the outside “Facilities” look familiar!


  3. I am in the dark as to which school. I have however enlarged the shot and the following might jog someone’s memory. The large building just to the left of the ‘school’ has 12 chimneys on what looks like three stories: surely this must be a Hotel / Pub with rooming.
    The school is actually two building. To the left is the church – has the arched window with several ‘column’ splits. To the right is what must have originally been a T shaped building: the number of chimneys suggest that this was the school. Interestingly the school’s arched window differs from the school and the school appears to have a relatively recent flat roofed extension.


    • The tall chimney stacks around the edge of the school roof are also a distinctive feature. Still no idea where it is though?


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