Stockton & Billingham Technical College

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This group of photographs show the Stockton campus of the college on Oxbridge Lane. They were taken on a snowy day in January 2003 before the building was demolished to make way for a new housing estate.

5 thoughts on “Stockton & Billingham Technical College

  1. My father David Walton was a Lecturer in Motor Vehicle from the mid 1970s till the department was closed in 1995. Sadly he died of a brain tumour only four years later. I am always very moved to hear from some of his former students how much he was respected. I can remember cycling as fast as humanly possible, for a small child, around the perimeter road. It is a shame how the face of Education has changed and the demise of the Technical Colleges is a disgrace


  2. I was one of many Iraqi students at that college from 1962 to 1964. We studied O and A levels before going on to Universities. It was a wonderful time for me as it was the first time I left home never mind going abroad. The only lecturer I remember was Mr Lamb, the mathematics teacher.
    I got close to one of the students there, Barbara form Middlesbrough. She was a sweet and a lovely girl. Then I had to go to Newcastle University.
    I am sad the building had to be demolished, but hope the memories linger on for ever.


    • Hi
      I studied o levels and during the evening A-levels …chemistry physics and maths (mr Lamb) plus biology
      around this time.
      I was also the drummer in the “orbits” student pop group ..we used to play Friday lunchtimes in the theatre there.
      Bob Pickersgill


  3. Sad pictures. I studied engineering at the tech in Nelson Terrace in the early sixties. We had to walk over to the Oxbridge site for woodwork on Wed afternoons. I later went on to study Motor vehicle engineering at Oxbridge on day release. I had a motor cycle accident when 3 of us were on board my Ammbasador bike trying to negotiate the twisty road around to the back of the college. We ended up on the bonnet of a black Morris Minor. One of my passengers was Mick Kerbishley (sp) from Thornaby can’t remember the other or the unfotunate owner of the Morris.


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