8 thoughts on “Portrack Primary School c1958

  1. Mrs Atkinson who was Scottish ( not “Miss Atkinson”, if you please) was brought in to teach the oldest class in 1953. I remember sitting with her and discovering how to work out the area of a triangle. It was the only time in my life in which I ever bothered to take a pride in my appearance


  2. Jim, I”m afraid I can”t remember any of the names but the faces were familiar although the photo is a bit blurred. Mum is still alive but dad died 1988. I can”t believe what they have done to Portrack but what a lovely place the riverside is now although the old scout hall has been demolished in Finkle street. Not before time eh?.


  3. Ian, yes that is you in the picture, have you changed much since then? I remeber you from those days and also your mam was my cub leader in Finkle Street from memory. Sorry we cant get together for a chat, I live in South Australia and have done so for 40 years. If by chance you know anyone else in the pic please add them, I can name most of them.


  4. My name is Ian Crammond and I think I may be on this photo. Back row third from left. My mother chased Miss Jones round the school after she accused me of stealing a bean bag. We found out later it had been put away by the teachers pet. I lived in Nicholson Street and my Dad worked on the Mobile Cooperative fruit van and was involved in the scouts. I went to Tilery Road school after this.


  5. Hi Christine, thanks for remembering us from so far back. I would be interested to know the missing names. I was in touch with Tommy Wallis and Ann McGlades son some time ago but lost contact with them. Are many of those old faces still around? I hope so


  6. Hello Jim, I remember you from St Annes Terrace, your family lived in the 2nd house after the Portrack pub I can help you a little with the names but I am told some of them are wrong Ann Mcglade is going to up date them shortly Back row Tommy Wallis, Micheal Connor,?Stewart Vout,John Henderson.Jimmy Wood, David Pitt,David Alcion,Kevin Wilkinson, Barry Wilson.Robert Brown,Billy Cocerill. Middle row,Brenda Thompson ?Wilf Plews,?Linda Beswick,Mrs Jones,Gordon Reid,,?Lydia Close.?Clark, Ann Raisebeck. Frontrow Kathleen Clements,?Gillian Downs,Pat Kelsey, Sheial Mcfarlane, Heather Dunn, Blodwyn Eastick,?Ann Mcglade, Lynn Robinson.


  7. I would be interested to know if anyone can identify all or any of those pictured. I am 6th from the left in the back row. Are many of these people still fortunate to be around today? I am living in South Australia and have done so since 1968.


    • Hi Jim

      Christine McGlade has done an excellent job of identifying most of the names on the picture and I am unable to add further to her efforts. I also remember you living in St Anne’s Terrace. I lived in Joseph Street. Good times, good community.


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