13 thoughts on “Harrogate Junior School 1965

  1. Lorraine Brown, far right, second row from front. Who would have believed that Lorraine, only five short years after this photo, would have the lads doing hand stands and backflips to go out with her. She was lovely.12/03/2012 19:11:11


  2. I think these kids were 3 years above me. I must have looked at the photo dozens of times knowing that old friends and neighbours were featured on it but its taken Peter Burns comments to realise how many I do know. Jean Ungers lived next door but one to me in Inskip Walk and twins Colin & Brian Leith lived just around the corner in Piper Knowle Road, as did Jimmy Salmon and Alan May whose dad Joe ran the local shop which I believe still gets called " Joe’s " many years after Joe’s death. Linda Rafferty, Bob Mccue, Tom Smith and John Bowe all lived nearby in now demolished Walworth road. Jimmy Salmon now lives in Northern Ireland and Brian Leith in Sheffield. Thanks for the info Peter B.


  3. I now have the names of all the class so here goes. Back row – Derek Farrel, Jimmy Salmon, Keith Beresford, Norman Pearce, Denis Allison, Peter Wilson, Gary Ditchburn, Jeffry Williams, John Southall, Ian Smith, John Bowe? Third row – Ronnie Crawford, Stephen Brown, Geffry Marsden, Eric Collins, Jacqueline Thompson, Glenys Hughes, Maureen O’Neil, Margaret Higgins, Christine Leonard, Yvonne Reninson? Linda Brown, Paul Sickling, Arthur Cox, Stephen Russell, Robert McCue. Second row – Lynda Sutcliffe, Christine Sarson, Carol Hamilton, Pamela Malcolm, Linda Rafferty, Jean Ungers, Jean Malcolm, Anne Challernor, Maria Kirton, Lorraine Brown. Front row – Ian Hamilton, Colin Leith, Brian Leith, Alan May, Colin White, Tony Dyball. The names are per the photograph so apologies for any incorrect spelling. The photograph cost 3/6.


  4. The girl on the second row, fourth from left as we look, is my sister-in-law Pamela Malcolm.
    I echo Eric Collin’s opinion of Mrs Brack. I was in the same class as Eric’s brother, Kevin, and we were fortunate in having Mrs Brack for two consecutive years – Junior 3 and 4. She was a fantastic teacher.


  5. If this is 1965 I think its more likely to be Dennis than Alan Barry, although they look very alike. If you look up picture T9297 Alan and your Lester are both on the football team pic, you must have a few harrowgate pics of your own Barry.


  6. From one PJ to another, in the first few years of the school opening the catchment area was nowhere near what it was to become, about the time this picture was taken I can remember the infants were also housed in the school before the new infants school was opened. I also remember some people in the same class as myself would later be in the year below, maybe this was done throughout the school until class sizes grew, do to Hardwick expanding.


  7. A story about Mr. Allen. When I was late for school, along with a dozen or so others. We had to line up in the school hall and hold out our hands. We each received two strokes of the cane. Then some wag said “well that didn”t hurt” Mr Allen replied “well let”s do it all again then”. Repeat punishment followed. As I remember, the school was a good one and the Head was quite a nice chap really.


  8. A class picture taken in my last term in this, for me, a very happy school. The headmaster Mr Allen is on the left with Mr Fitzgerald our class teacher on the right. I”m on the third row fourth from the left. Others I can remember are Robert McCue (third row right hand end, Arthur Cox, Paul Sickling (third row 3/4 right). We were part of the first batch of pupils here, some (including me) transferring from Hardwick Junior School in 1963. My first teacher here was Mrs Brack, teaching Junior 3 – I have happy memories of a fine teacher. Both Mrs Brack & Mr Fitzgerald were instrumental in getting me to Grammar School. Thank-you.


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